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Volunteer (MSW)

This is a list of interest categories and the interests within each category. Click on an interest to learn more about that item. If you are logged in, you will also see the members who have declared that interest, with a link to their member directory entry. Click the "More Info" link info to view additional information about the interest group.

Call Me About Volunteering

28 Members
You would enjoy bringing your expertise to fellow artists or you know the value of pitching in where there is a need. Lets take a few seconds to find that perfect fit for your goals and lifestyle.
Coordinator: Lindsay Ainsworth
15 Members
This is the right choice for you if you want to lead a paint-in, workshop, or lend a helping hand at an opening or event. Ideal for those who have a full palette.
Coordinator: Lindsay Ainsworth
7 Members
You are meant for this level if you enjoy using your creativity and believe every little bit helps. Ideal for those who are enthusiastic about the Mid-South art community.
Coordinator: Lindsay Ainsworth