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Paint-in Instructor Katie Bradley

Date and Time

Saturday, June 15, 2024, 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Trinity Presbyterian Church
4501 Rahling Road
Little Rock, AR  72223
Videoconference information will be provided in an email once registration is complete.

Event Contact(s)

Sage Arnold

Dora L Bradley
Connect to lend a helping hand at this event.



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

About this event

Paint-Ins have a suggested donation of 10.00.

You have to register for the Zoom to get the link. One will be mailed to you upon completing registration and a safety email will be mailed out at 9:00 the morning of the Paint-In. 

Katie Bradley primarily paints watercolor portraits of children. Her style is realistic but playful, with some loose wet-in-wet washes that contrasts with very tight, accurate glazes. Katie almost always works with a limited palette, choosing colors based on color theory.

Her watercolors have won awards in Washington State and in Arkansas. She has illustrated 6 children’s books, and her art is featured in several journals and magazines, as well as many early readers published by OHBD.

Join Katie for the June MSW Paint-In to learn how to create a watercolor portrait of a girl using the methods she used to paint “Chick Magnet.”

We will first briefly talk about color choices, value, mixing, and characteristics of pigments.
Then we will create a monochromatic underpainting with a staining mixture of watercolors. Over the underpainting, we will glaze a series of pours, washes and wet-on-dry detailing.

My hope is that every person, no matter their skill or experience level, comes away from our time together with new knowledge and confidence to create their own masterpieces in their own style.

If painting a portrait is too challenging for or not of your interest, you may also sketch a different rounded shape (e.g. a globe, an egg, an apple, etc) onto your watercolor paper. You can then follow along and apply the same methods of shading and glazing I use. 

Supply list:

Please sketch the girl onto your 12x16 watercolor paper ahead of time so we have as much
time to paint as possible. (Line drawing is in the Materials Folder)

1 pc of 16” x 12” Arches cold press watercolor paper mounted on a board or plexi glass.
2. At least 1 scrap piece of watercolor paper to test our colors on
3. Masking tape and a few sheets of white printer paper
4. A piece of 2x4 wood or a painting wedge or a table easel, so you can paint at a slant
5. Paper towels
6. 2 water containers (I use 32oz yogurt containers)
8. Paintbrushes:
o 1” or larger wide flat
o size 12 or larger mop (I use a size 30 squirrel hair) – should hold plenty of water;
o good sable or similar watercolor in size 8, 4 and 1. Don’t buy brushes for this – brushes in similar sizes are fine. You need a medium, small and very small one.
9. Watercolors: I use Schmincke Horadam or Daniel Smith. Bring whatever brand you like.

We need: (these exact colors - specific characteristics of the pigments)
o Vermillion (Schmincke) or Pyrrol Scarlet (Daniel Smith) (pigment = PR255)
o Lemon yellow (Schmincke) or Hansa Yellow Light (Daniel Smith) (pigment = PY3)
o Phthalo blue (Schmincke) or Phthalo Blue green sh. (Daniel Smith) (pigment = PB15)

Optional (so you don’t have to do quite as much mixing):
- alizarin crimson (or a different darker red like madder lake deep)
- ultramarine blue (non granulating, so not cobalt blue, but another dark blue will work)
- quinacridone violet (magenta or purple magenta works too)
- Daniel Smith’s quinacridone burnt orange (or burnt sienna or a similar orang-y brown)
10. A mixing pallet, or whatever you normally use to mix paint.
11. A small bowl or cup, since we need a lot of some colors and will pour them.
12. A drinking straw (for creating splatters)
13. 4x5 or 5x7 Photo print or color print out of the source photo we will use (In the Paint-In Folder on the Materials Page)
14. Optional: Black/white print-out of the source photo (In the Paint-In Folder on the Materials Page)
15. 2H pencil or harder
16. Hair dryer (if you have one – good to have a few in the room)
17. Spray bottle (optional)

Katie has made a line drawing of our source photo.

Download from the Materials (Paint-In Folder) on the MSW Website. 

This is just of the actual face, so you can print it on regular paper (8.5x11). When you sketch or trace it, please position it on the landscape 9x12 paper with the girl’s nose midline at the right vertical 1/3 line, just like in the source photo. You can download it in the Materials Page.

There are still spots to volunteer!

Door Opener Sue Warrington
Greeter Karen Hall-Wallis
table Kim Perkins
Snacks Dora Bradley
Door Prize

Put Me In Coach