and working to improve the value of MSW membership. The Ways and Means Chair spend considerable time raising money for the significant awards given at our Annual Juried Exhibition, without which there would be no awards.
Our available worker bees are spread thin facilitating and maintaining these wonderful programs. The committee chairs need your support. Recognizing the adage, “Many hands make light work,” the board and I ask each of you for your help. We believe, with your help, that we can grow our organization, and make its benefits and programs stronger, which, in turn, enriches the membership experience for everyone. You are vital to MSW’s success.
To get involved please contact Lindsay Ainsworth, our MSW Executive Director in charge of membership and website, at LindsayAAinsworth@gmail.comor myself, Stephen Lanford President MSW, at If you are able to volunteer, you can also sign up
As volunteers, you would work with the committee chairs helping to organize things like MSW’s: Annual Juried Exhibition, Open Member Exhibition, Social Media accounts, “Paint Ins,” Public Relations, MSW Website, and Ways and Means. (See attached list.)
Your involvement can be as much or as little as your time and energy allows. Let us know that you are willing and we are excited to work with you to find your place in MSW! Thank you for your support!
Stephen Lanford
Mid-Southern Watercolorists